Testing of µMETOS LoRa

µMETOS LoRa Station Tests in the Field

µMETOS LoRa is a new generation of the METOS weather stations that operate on the LoRa network that will help bring down hardware prices, optimize data transmission costs and bring connectivity to previously unreachable areas.
The development of the device continues with tests in the field.

Trials in Netherlands

Just this week we have set up two trial stations in potato fields in Netherlands, namely with Van den Borne Aardappelen – one of the biggest and most advanced potato producers in the world. The µMETOS LoRa stations utilize KPN LoRa Network – the first nationwide LoRa network for Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Holland.

The objective of the ‘Internet of Food & Farm 2020 Project KPN Demonstration 1.1.’ is to show how technology continues to change and improve agricultural industry and how farmers can benefit from it.

The Station hardware and actionable information with derives from here:
The µMETOS LoRa stations are equipped with a high resolution rain gauge, relative humidity and air temperature sensor, leaf wetness sensor, a soil temperature and a set of soil moisture sensors.

Rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation, hygroclip measure relative humidity and air temperature and is used for dew point calculation for better spray timing, leaf wetness sensor measures if the leaves of the crop/culture have been wet, and for how long this event lasted.

The soil temperature helps farmers with seeding and planting date and soil moisture assists them in applying the right amount of water for the plant and informs about the accessibility of the field with machinery. This information is especially useful when using Disease Models and spray timing. The measured data together with our hyper local weather forecast for the field with adjusted prediction will bring completely new dimensions for work planning, irrigation necessities, fertilizing and pesticide applications at the same time making farmers smarter and protecting the environment.

The project in Netherlands is set to end in December 2018, but we will keep you posted about new developments.